Having already sounded off on my favorite music from Portland, Oregon in 2008, I wanted to address, albeit belatedly, some of my favorite albums from everywhere else. Being late, I'll save everyone the time it would take to read whatever commentary I might add to the albums that have already been mentioned here. Suffice it to say that I was, like some of you, a big fan of, in diminishing order:
Fleet Foxes
Bon Iver
Vampire Weekend
I would also like to clarify that my favorite Portland album of the year - "Verbs" by Au - was my favorite album of the year - period - and I highly recommend taking the time to investigate it. If you have any fondness for ecstatic group vocals, Minimalism or structural inventiveness, it's worth your while. "RR vs D" and "Are Animals" are a good entry point.
Au MySpace
Au on Amazon MP3
Probably coming right behind Au and Fleet Foxes in the number three slot would be
Abe Vigoda - Skeleton
This album is pretty relentlessly trebly and up-tempo; in spite of that constraint, it manages to cover a deceptively wide stretch of emotional territory and, because of the narrow sonic palette, it does so in unforeseen ways. Virtually all of the somewhat disappointingly little press this album got included the term "tropical punk," which is somewhat fair given the fact that one of the two guitarists' tones recalls a steel drum more than a string instrument. Like many of the LA (okay, fine, Chino) bands that made it okay for hipsters to think that LA is cool again (No Age, Mika Miko, Health), Abe Vigoda are part of the unofficial roster of downwtown LA venue The Smell. In my opinion, they are the best of the lot, doing something not exactly like anything I've heard before, and if you live in Southern California you should try to check these dudes out. A precious municipal treasure. They have a new EP coming out - again on No Ager Dean Spunt's Post Present Medium label - in February. Recommended starter tracks: The Garden, Skeleton
Abe Vigoda MySpace
Abe Vigoda Amazon MP3 Link
I suppose that brings me to
No Age - Nouns
I think that my instinct to react against this duo because of all the hype they got was negated by my native Angeleno's excitement to see a band from my hometown contribute to independent musical culture in a way that the rest of the world noticed and appreciated for the first time in my adult life. Call it a wash. But the fact that they, because of their affiliation with The Smell, became the poster band for all-ages community music venues certainly did endear them to me on extra-musical grounds. The "noise" tag and experimental gestures are really filigree - No Age is the next generation in the long, proud line of progressive SoCal punkers. SST for the oughts. Listening to this record reminded me of how I felt listening to The Minutemen in my bedroom as a teenager. The instrumentation and sensibility is quite different, but something about this album and its rough edges reminds me of early Sebadoh. There aren't a lot of killer hooks or melodies here, but something about the No Age sound is inexplicably catchy. Recommended starter tracks: Sleeperhold, Teen Creeps, Eraser
No Age on MySpace
No Age on Amazon MP3
Group Inerane - Guitars from Agadez
This Tuareg band from Niger that draws upon Western blues and rock traditions to create something identifiably North African but uniquely stunning features some of the most amazing electric guitar work I have ever heard - and not just from a technical perspective either. The ululating choruses gives me chills, and this drummer is a total badass who somehow makes makes basic fills you've heard a hundred times sound completely fresh and captivating. If you are into people appropriating foreign musical styles and doing something with them that their progenitors could never have imagined, you must get this album now. I first saw this in a DVD compilation that Seattle-based world music label Sublime Frequencies put out, and it blew my mind. If you are unfamiliar with Sublime Frequencies, their whole catalog is uniformly fascinating and, most often, wonderful.
Group Inerane on Sublime Frequencies Download Store
Sublime Frequencies Home
The Dodos - Visiter
If this album - and every song on it - were about a third shorter it would be phenomenal. Like No Age, The Dodos are a California drums-and-guitar two-piece, but they hail from San Francisco and draw upon acoustic folk traditions rather than noise. Insistently, but unobtrusively, rhythmically complex indie folk songs that belie a firm grounding in the 90s indie rock cannon. Fools was undoubtedly one of my favorite songs of the year, plus this video for it is one of the best performance-based clips I have ever seen (that slo-mo contrasting with the velocity of the actual song is awesome!). Recommended starter tracks: Fools, Red and Purple, Jodi.
Dodos on MySpace
Dodos on Amazon MP3
Portishead - Third
A beautiful, haunting record that proves that musicians can improve with age and not simply "mature." Ten years later, Bristol's Portishead, a two-hit wonder but cult favorite of the nineties, return to put their previous work to shame. One foot in the trip-hop of their past efforts, one in the post-dub-step world of contemporary British music, and a freakish third leg in an alternate history where the Silver Apples took on the influential importance that the Velvet Underground enjoy in reality.
Portishead on MySpace
Portishead on Amazon MP3
Kanye West - 808s and Heartbreak
I have a knack for being turned onto an otherwise popular artist by the album that alienates half of their fans. I don't care whether Kanye can actually sing or not - this is a record and he wrote some fantastic songs that, to my mind, completely updated and rejuvenated a questionably moribund tradition of soul music. I am not naturally drawn to hip-hop or r-n-b, but I find this really exciting an compelling. The production aesthetic is fantastic and instantly identifiable - rich but barren, spare but lush. Recommended starter tracks (like you haven't heard them): Love Lockdown, Paranoid
Kanye West on MySpace
Kanye West on Amazon MP3
Women - Women
I was a late-comer to this, really only hearing about it in December, but I have made up for last time. An enigmatic record that makes the band's biographical details irrelevant as it oscillates wildly between 60s-style pop, 90s-era indie rock, and odd instrumental numbers that sound like psilocybin-fueled band practices. Recommended starter tracks: Black Rice, Shaking Hand, Group Transport Hall
Women on MySpace
Women on Amazon MP3
Marnie Stern - This Is It And I Am It And You Are It And So Is That And He Is It And She Is It And It Is It And That Is That
Whatever seeds doubts a title like that might sow in your mind, it must also necessarily put to rest any questions that this 30-something, two-handed-tapper is fearlessly pursuing her own vision. The extent to which NY-based Marnie is actually a guitar-shredding virtuoso is greatly overblown, but the extent to which she more or less invented her sub-genre of music is under-recognized. These are frenetic, disorienting, self-help songs in which the drumming of Hella's Zach Hill is the most predictable element. This Is It is a refinement of the style Stern pioneered on 2007's KRS debut, and the songs are much more than passingly interesting oddities this time around. Recommended start tracks: Ruler, Transformer
Marnie Stern on MySpace
Marnie Stern on Amazon MP3
Times New Viking - Rip It Off (LP) and Stay Awake (EP)
Exuberant, simple, sugary pop songs whose contours have been roughed up with a digital bludgeon. Like their name, just clever enough to suggest talent rather than conceit. Present-day Ohioan inheritors to the Midwestern lo-fi indie tradition of Guided By Voices. Recommended starter tracks: Call and Response, Teen Drama
Times New Viking on MySpace
TNV on Amazon MP3
Also - and again, I am not someone who typically has a soft spot for Top 40 - I thought that Beyonce's "Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It)" was the best radio-ready pop song I have heard in a really, really long time. That hook is instantly and utterly unshakable.
Lastly, as Oscar season creeps up on us I have a lot of movies to see, but here are the ones that, so far, I enjoyed the most from 2008:
Slumdog Millionaire
Paranoid Park
Vicky Cristina Barcelona
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Katie Byron's #1 Album of 2008
Well, since I am so late, I will not bore you with repeating much of what's already been said. However, I can't resist to comment that I am surprised how many times Fleet Foxes ended up in the top one or two albums of the year! I must admit, I haven't heard the whole album, but a friend put a few songs on a mix she made me and I didn't find them particularly memorable. In fact, I found one song even annoying (it is one that is in rounds...I don't remember the title). I wasn't reading the track list when I first listened to it, and I thought, "When did My Morning Jacket get so annoying?!" Anyhow, I am sad to say I can't share everyone's enthusiasm for those Foxes that are Fleet.
And now getting to the point, my favorite album of the year:
Bon Iver: For Emma, Forever Ago. A mix between TV on the Radio, Sufjan Stevens, and Owen, Bon Iver is eerily wintry and wonderful. If you haven't heard the back story, Justin wrote this album after breaking up with his band and girlfriend and then isolating himself in his father's hunting cabin in Wisconsin for a few months. The album reeks of snowed-in-cabin, has many ghost-like moments, and will enrapture you with its stream-of-consciousness lyrics. It has been a favorite of mine this year--the favorite--and I highly recommend it.
And as an added bonus, my favorite single of the year: MGMT--Time to Pretend. What a great song. That's all.
And now getting to the point, my favorite album of the year:
Bon Iver: For Emma, Forever Ago. A mix between TV on the Radio, Sufjan Stevens, and Owen, Bon Iver is eerily wintry and wonderful. If you haven't heard the back story, Justin wrote this album after breaking up with his band and girlfriend and then isolating himself in his father's hunting cabin in Wisconsin for a few months. The album reeks of snowed-in-cabin, has many ghost-like moments, and will enrapture you with its stream-of-consciousness lyrics. It has been a favorite of mine this year--the favorite--and I highly recommend it.
And as an added bonus, my favorite single of the year: MGMT--Time to Pretend. What a great song. That's all.
Friday, January 9, 2009
Sheila Bost's Favorite Places for Breakfast in Los Angeles
- This is my first attempt at blogging so I hope it works. I love to start the day off with a delicious breakfast so for years I have been collecting special breakfast places. The following are some of my old favorites. For additonal recommendations, email me. I hope you enjoy eating at some of LA's best. Remember: always eat a nourishing breakfast. I know. I sound just like a mom. (I could not figure out how to spell check so please excuse any glaring errors.)
- Charlie's Coffee Shop in the old Farmer's Market at the Grove --- Charlie, a red haired lady fry cook, is the best! Tom & I lived right next to the market in Park LaBrea when we came to LA. Charlie's is where we go to celebrate if we have the time. Her omelets are light and fluffy & the eggs are fresh. Others love the French toast, pancakes & waffles.
- John O'Groats http://www.ogroatsrestaurant.com/ --- as Paul the owner says "Nothing but the best for the best." John, next to Charlie, makes the best breakfasts in LA. Light biscuits, homemade apple sauce, good coffee, counter service if the wait is long.
- Cora's Coffee Shop http://www.corascoffee.com/ --- nothing fancy but one of Santa Monica's favorites. There is an outdoor area but remember, sometimes it is cool in SM.
- Maxwell Cafe --- near Costco at the Marina. I have never been disappointed with food & service at MC.
- Ocean Park Cafe --- on Ocean Park in SM. I have not been here in sometime but it has always been one of my favorites. Delicious baked goods.
- Patrick's Roadhouse --- 106 Entrada Drive (just above Pacific Coast Highway) in SM. Patrick's is one of the best places to view the Hollywood stars or the "in crowd" in politics, business, etc. It is expensive for what you get, but if you are part of the "in" group, you probably are on an expense account or don't care about the money.
- Police Academy Cafe' --- dine with the cadets in Echo Park near Dodger Stadium. I learned about this inexpensive breakfast haunt years ago and discovered that it was worth the trip.
- Cafe Dana --- on Montana in SM is a European gem tucked away in a small inside area and includes a patio next to the exercise studio. Again, watch for producers, stars living on the west side. Dana's muesli, omelets, scrambles --- everything is yummy.
- Back On Broadway --- on Broadway near 2oth in SM is one of the favorites of the Jacobs's family...perhaps Vicenta introduced me. With your omelet they serve a delicate and delicious scone but you should make room for their daily baked muffins.
- Broadway Deli --- on the SM Promenade; has the best low fat bran muffins on the west side of LA. Park right across the street at the Place. Everything at BD is good and the service has improved with the years.
- Cezanne --- http://www.lemerigothotel.com/cuisine.htm Cezanne at Le Merigot's Hotel with a view from the patio of the beach is the place to go on a warm day when you have time to enjoy a more upscale breakfast, soak in the SM sun, read your paper or your PDA news, text a friend or simply meditate as you view God's beautiful Pacific.
- Paradise Cove Beach Cafe --- www.paradisecovemalibu.com Of course, if you really wish to enjoy a beach breakfast, make the drive to Bob Morris's cafe in Malibu at Paradise Cove. Spectacular views. You may decide to spend the day on the beach. Kids menu is available. Plan to bring $ for parking if you stay for the day.
- Snug Harbor --- is near 23rd St on Wilshire in SM. As one reviewer said SH is "the classic greasy spoon California style." I think it is a couple of stars above this review. There is an ugly patio where the service may not be quite as good. SH is comfortable. The restaurant next door Bread and Porridge www.breadandporridge.com is very unique, but it seems to me overpriced. Last time I was there you had to pay for toast to go with your eggs.
- Pedals ---http://www.shuttersonthebeach.com/restaurants/santa_monica_beach_restaurant.html If you would like to spend some time at Shutters, one of the most expensive hotels on the west side and walk or bike the Santa Monica bike path, first breakfast at Pedals, their lovely downstairs restaurant with patio --- a SM treat without the big price tag.
- Fountain Coffee Room --- http://www.beverlyhillshotel.com/restaurants_bars/fountain_coffee.html This is the Peptobismal pink, classic counter restaurant at the Beverly Hills Hotel. Simple breakfast fare. If you have money to burn and yearn for ambiance and chef's cuisine, join the elite of Beverly Hills and hotel guests at their Polo Lounge.
- A Votre Sante --- http://www.avotresantela.com --- For those who are health conscious and bleed "organic" join Gold Gym body builders at this hip spot that was recently remodeled. Even for me, the food tastes oh so good on even my non-organically trained palate.
- Rose Cafe --- http://www.rosecafe.com/About-Home.html I went here and across the street to the Firehouse for years but now we don't eat breakfast out as frequently. However just recently, I have had two wonderful breakfasts at the RC. Their mixed berry bran muffin is a gourmet treat. Others tell me their granola and oatmeal are delicious. Again, dress warmly if you need to and enjoy their new patio with heaters.
- Joe's Restaurant --- http://www.joesrestaurant.com/menu_brunch.php For a Saturday or Sunday special brunch I hear that Joe's is one of the best. Crystal Jacobs may know more; however, I think Joe's at night with Crystal's pastries might be a better bet.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Worthy Of Praise in 2008

Sixes & Sevens- Adam Green
For my money, he has become Nilsson more and more on each album and although this one isn't really consistent enough to warrant any best of list, it brought me many moments of pure joy. The production is really fantastic and it has a horrible album cover.
Introducing...- Gentleman Jesse & His Men
Somewhat just to bring a new album into the fold of the lists, this was my favorite debut album of the year.
Devotion- Beach House
It is very "one-note" as Paul mentioned, I believe. However, it must've hit the right note at the right time for me. I listened to this album heavily at the beginning of the summer as well as going back to relistening to their first album (which sounds pretty much the same, but I'm partial to this one)
Made In The Dark- Hot Chip
I'd agree with Thom about this album, it could've dropped a few songs and improved. I actually wanted more of the moody, ballady songs than tehir token dance numbers. I'm interested to hear frontman Alexis Taylor's acousticey solo album. "Ready For The Floor" was one of my favorite videos of the year as well.
Arm's Way- Islands
Honestly, I was overwhelmingly disappointed and unhappy with this album when I got it upon release. I was really anticipating it as the first Islands record had become a favorite awhile after it came out. This album has little in common with their previous work and was seemed too dark and a bit messy for me. For whatever reason, I gave it a second chance towards the end of the year and had a change of heart. If you find yourself in a bad mood and with the opportunity to drive fast with the stereo turned way up, this can be a really rewarding listen. A testament to second chances.
Pacific Ocean Blue & Bambu Sessions- Dennis Wilson
This is a reissue, so it shouldn't technically count, but I was so happy to discover the album at the beginning of the year via blog download and then thrilled to have it reissued so nicely. And as an added bonus, I discovered that a song on the Bambu Sessions was an mp3 that I had ended up with years ago without any artist info and had been fruitlessly searching out for some time. "School Girl", check it out.
#4 Fleet Foxes & Sun Giant EP- Fleet Foxes
I didn't get this for awhile, so I guess I missed most of the internet buzz. As a result, it felt like a personal discovery for me. In addition to being a great album for walking around Santa Monica, I also recommend it for driving through the Hill Country outside of Austin en route to Abilene.
#3 You & Me- The Walkmen
I've been a fan of theirs for quite awhile and I would agree that this is close to, if not their best effort. Based solely on number of listens, this album is worthy of the #3 spot.
#2 Volume One- She & Him
It's funny that She & Him and "You & Me" were at the top of the list together. Huh. You know what, I like M. Ward just fine and Zooey Deschanel quite a bit, but it doesn't really sound like a best of the year combo on paper. I thought I would enjoy the album alright and definitely thought my wife would like it, so i bought it. I guess I should technically amend my earlier statement and say this was most definitely the best debut of the year. The songwriting is outstanding and I think the best thing about M. Ward is his production sensabilities. He's better in a group. This year's "Rabbit Fur Coat" I say.
#1 Vampire Weekend- Vampire Weekend
There's no denying it. Every song IS a hit, Michelle. It is 100% a perfect album and I listened to it so much this year that I thought it came out last year. Backlash is to be expected when you make something this good. And look as cool as they do, God bless 'em.
Acid Tongue- Jenny Lewis & Modern Guilt- Beck
Both really, really good albums that I wanted to like a little bit more. Both had an unbelieveable sound of production. That J. Lewis album is a grower.
Age Of The Understatement- The Last Shadow Puppets
Terrible, terrible band name, but some really great songs. My newfound obsession with Scott Walker ought to have meant I would love this album, but somehow it's never quite translated beyond a very big like.
Real Emotional Trash- Stephen Malkmus
I must say, I really loved this album, it might should be on the list above. It sure is close to being there. I liked it a lot more than Face The Truth. He's like a Guitar God now apparently.
"Single Ladies"- Beyonce
Also in my top videos of the year. Pure and simple infectious pop/R&B. I don't get that "If I Was A Boy" song though.
"Ordinary Song"- The Little Ones
I don't know if this was ever really a single and I don't know that it was technically released this year, but this song should've been the number one song in the country. It's legendarily good and it's by some guys from Culver City!
"Viva La Vida"- Coldplay
This song, stolen or not, was soooooooo much better than the album as a whole. It got in my head constantly and reminded me that I once like Coldplay a lot.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
2008: Discos Compactos Muy Buenos

I’m taking a bit of a shortcut, but I think it’s justified. Over the year, I wrote about several of these artists for a local music publication, L.A. Record. So rather than try to say the same thing differently here, I quoted myself in those cases. Work smarter, not harder.
Honorable Mentions
The Explorers Club – Freedom Wind
A lot of bands are influenced by the Beach Boys; this one apparently became the Beach Boys. They pull it off surprisingly well.
Deerhunter – Microcastle
I spent several months listening to this occasionally and thinking it was unremarkable. Then, a few weeks ago, it hooked me. A sweeping, graceful guitar-rock wilderness.
Hot Chip – Made in the Dark
More blazin’ dance hits from this crew, but I wish they would have left off about three tracks.
The Morning Benders – Talking Through Tin Cans
Sharp, infectious pop-rock. A solid debut, but I think they have even better work ahead of them. Also check out their free album of covers.
Top 10
10. Mirror Mirror – The Society for the Advancement of Inflammatory Consciousness
I don’t think I want to know what “inflammatory consciousness” is. Furthermore, this album is kind of creepy. These Mirror Mirror people sound like a cult choir calling for new members. Just listen to the lyrics: “Bring the babe to me / Bring the babe to the Society for the Advancement of Inflammatory Consciousness” and “We are your family now / Lock up your songs,” for examples. Still, this batch of cryptic psychedelic pop is captivating and often surprising. “Don Coyote’s Confession” could pass for a long-lost Syd Barrett track. “Lock Up Your Songs” would make a good alternate soundtrack for the dungeons in the Legend of Zelda. And “My Talisman” sounds like a druggy cover of something from the Zombies’ Odessey & Oracle.
9. Deerhoof – Offend Maggie
First of all, I don’t know how a band can manage to put out an album every year, as Deerhoof has been doing for about a decade (although I think they skipped 2006). Second of all, such prolific output surely runs the risk of burning out the fans. But Deerhoof’s albums never fail to exhilarate. This one has a bizarre jazz number (“Chandelier Searchlight”), the cutest little jock jam (“Basket Ball Get Your Groove Back”) and plenty of delicious riffs.
8. Bodies of Water – A Certain Feeling
They certainly still have their bombastic moments, but this album doesn’t sound as ecstatic as their debut, last year’s Ears Will Pop & Eyes Will Blink. The Bodies’ sophomore offering is a bit darker and a bit more adventurous. I want to call it a prog-rock musical set in the Wild West (and I just did).
7. Lesser Gonzalez Alvarez – Why Is Bear Billowing?
This greatly named man sounds like a reserved Jeff Buckley singing simple but beautiful lullabies. In one of the album’s highlights, Mr. Alvarez sets Edward Lear’s nutty poem “The Owl and the Pussycat” to a stirring acoustic guitar waltz.
6. Kelley Polar – I Need You to Hold On While the Sky Is Falling
Fluttering electronic music augmented by Mr. Polar’s own violin playing and odd, scientific lyrics. Not as easily accessible or danceable as his last album, 2005’s fantastic Love Songs of the Hanging Gardens, but once I had listened to I Need You several times through, I found it to be just as satisfying. Crank it up in the car on a starry night.
5. School of Seven Bells – Alpinisms
Twin sisters Alejandra and Claudia Deheza harmonize gorgeously and chant hypnotically amid primal beats and shoegazing guitars. I was a fan of their previous band, On!Air!Library!, but this project, which is rounded out by former Secret Machine Benjamin Curtis, reaches a whole new plateau of aural ecstasy.
4. The Henry Clay People – For Cheap or for Free
“A scorching set of twangy, gutsy rock that doesn’t sound like anything new but is somehow infectiously fresh. It’s in the way they spit out their lyrics — more arguing than singing — about being ‘broke but still alive’ and ‘tired of leaving our futures up to fate.’ It’s in the way they turn what would otherwise be a straight-ahead alt-country jam into an urgent, arena-sized anthem, tearing through it like it’s their last shot.”
3. Ruby Suns – Sea Lion
“While the band is in fact headquartered in the Kiwi country, McPhun was born and raised in California, and his music appears to have sprung from all over the globe. The Suns’ set tonight showcased the far-flung sounds that they cohesively packaged in their recent Sea Lion album, from the mariachi strains of ‘Oh, Mojave’ to the African pop explosion of ‘Tane Mahuta’ (which is actually sung in a Polynesian language).”
2. Vampire Weekend – Vampire Weekend
One of two much-hyped, self-titled debut albums that transcended the buzz and never lost their appeal (look down for the other one). Vampire Weekend, in my opinion, is the sound of baroque pop on safari. Impeccable melodies, excited delivery, exotic instrumentation — the combination of which is an irresistible package.
1. Fleet Foxes – Fleet Foxes
“Throughout a set drawing from this year’s Sun Giant EP and self-titled full-length, the Seattle group presented a kind of sacred folk music, in awe of the magnitude of nature and the ephemerality of life. ‘Days are just drops in the river to be lost always,’ they sang in ‘Drops in the River.’ Instrumentally, the band’s pastoral soundscapes and dynamic range bring to mind their contemporaries in Grizzly Bear. Frontman Robin Pecknold’s soaring vocals bear a resemblance to those of My Morning Jacket’s Jim James, but when the rest of the Fleet Foxes chime in — as they usually do — the effect is more Crosby Stills Nash & Young. Still, Pecknold proved that he could keep the crowd enraptured on his own with a few solo songs. In the elegiac ‘Oliver James,’ his voice, strong yet unpretentious, filled the room and certainly induced widespread chills. As he stopped strumming and merely tapped the body of his guitar, he cried, ‘Back we go to your brother’s house, emptier, my dear / The sound of ancient voices ringing soft upon your ear.’”
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Favorite Albums of 2008
So another year in music has come and gone, but not without some great releases. Of course, the usual disclaimers apply, but here are five albums that I adored from this year, plus a list of other records (somewhat arbitrarily grouped) that I also enjoyed. All in all, a good year in music w/ one certifiable classic:
Top 5

5. Dungen - 4 (surprisingly reined in and focused for a Dungen record; jazz influences really coming to the forefront)
4. Vampire Weekend - Vampire Weekend (my history w/ VW in short: in love, too cool, reconvicted by their sheer awesomeness)
3. She & Him - Volume 1 (a primer in well-written American pop and country, and maybe the best thing M. Ward's ever done)
2. The Night Marchers - See You in Magic (the album I was most likely to air drum to on the way home from work; power pop disguised as Hot Snakes songs)
1. Deerhunter - Microcastle and Weird Era Cont. (so many things to say about this record, but I'll concentrate on how warm the guitars and drums sound; one of those records - like "I am Shelby Lynne," "In Utero," or "The Soft Bulletin" - that combines excellent songs w/ perfect production)
Punk Rock

Cheap Time - Cheap Time
Be Your Own Pet - Get Awkward LP & Get Damaged EP (RIP)
Love Is All - A Hundred Things to Keep Me Up All Night
Mannequin Men - Fresh Rot
White Hills - Heads on Fire
Past Lives - Strange Symmetry EP
F***ed Up - The Chemistry of Common Life
Rock and Roll

Sloan - Parallel Play (and the best show I went to in 2008)
Black Hollies - Casting Shadows
Dr. Dog - Fate
Thomas Function - Celebration!
Girl Rock

Wye Oak - If Children
Jenny Lewis - Acid Tongue
Beach House - Devotion
Wild Card

Douglas Armour - The Light of the Golden Day, The Arms of the Night
Fleet Foxes - Fleet Foxes
Wild Beasts - Limbo, Panto
Lindstrom - Where You Go I Go Too
Top 5

5. Dungen - 4 (surprisingly reined in and focused for a Dungen record; jazz influences really coming to the forefront)
4. Vampire Weekend - Vampire Weekend (my history w/ VW in short: in love, too cool, reconvicted by their sheer awesomeness)
3. She & Him - Volume 1 (a primer in well-written American pop and country, and maybe the best thing M. Ward's ever done)
2. The Night Marchers - See You in Magic (the album I was most likely to air drum to on the way home from work; power pop disguised as Hot Snakes songs)
1. Deerhunter - Microcastle and Weird Era Cont. (so many things to say about this record, but I'll concentrate on how warm the guitars and drums sound; one of those records - like "I am Shelby Lynne," "In Utero," or "The Soft Bulletin" - that combines excellent songs w/ perfect production)
Punk Rock

Cheap Time - Cheap Time
Be Your Own Pet - Get Awkward LP & Get Damaged EP (RIP)
Love Is All - A Hundred Things to Keep Me Up All Night
Mannequin Men - Fresh Rot
White Hills - Heads on Fire
Past Lives - Strange Symmetry EP
F***ed Up - The Chemistry of Common Life
Rock and Roll

Sloan - Parallel Play (and the best show I went to in 2008)
Black Hollies - Casting Shadows
Dr. Dog - Fate
Thomas Function - Celebration!
Girl Rock
Wye Oak - If Children
Jenny Lewis - Acid Tongue
Beach House - Devotion
Wild Card

Douglas Armour - The Light of the Golden Day, The Arms of the Night
Fleet Foxes - Fleet Foxes
Wild Beasts - Limbo, Panto
Lindstrom - Where You Go I Go Too
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